Employees are encouraged to report any job related grievance or complaint immediately, so as not to disrupt work productivity or prolong the issue. Employees can be assured that no discrimination, reprisal, coercion or retaliation will be exhibited toward an employee who has chosen to follow the process.
It is normally expected that most matters in dispute between any employee and management will be effectively addressed and appropriately resolved through regular channels before the formal procedures of this policy has to be activated. If satisfaction cannot be achieved the following procedures should be started.
It is the goal of MEDRelief Staffing to resolve any concern. If your concern can not be resolved, you may contact the Joint Commission Office of Quality Monitoring to report any concerns at 800-994-6610 or complaint@jointcommission.org.
Filing a Grievance
Notify your immediate supervisor with any job related issues or problems. In the event that the supervisor is unable to respond immediately to the employeeĆs concern, the supervisor will assure a response within (3) working days.
Prepare and submit in writing a summary of the disputed issue and relevant facts:
What the grievance is and the details of the circumstancesWho is/was involved in the grievanceThe time and dates of the grievanceInvolved parties: facility or AHEC employeesAny recommended resolution by the employee
The relevant supervisor or designee will initiate the investigation process, by interviewing all parties involved in the grievance to gather relevant facts. The supervisor will report back to the employee within 3 working days.
Employee grievance reports are kept confidential unless there is a need to know in order to resolve the grievance.
Senior Management will be made aware of the situation and can be monitor the process for continuity and effectiveness.
Employees are provided the opportunity to present their complaints as well as appeal disciplinary decisions the formal complaint and grievance procedure.
Any employee with a complaint or question regarding policies, procedures, dissatisfaction with treatment or working conditions not resolved to his/her satisfaction will be addressed by senior management and attempts to resolve will be made.